The Time It Takes

The Time It Takes

I’m buying chicken frames at Uwajimaya, my grocery store of choice in the International District. A fellow shopper at the butcher counter asks, “What do you do with those?” “I use them for chicken stock,” I answer. She looks incredulous....

Thems the Breaks

I’m not so proud of the clunky hospital wheelchair I first rented on a monthly basis until, to my horror, I realized I owned it outright. Leslie had a melt-down when I admitted my mistake. How could I not know? In the middle of our ensuing fight, I remember...

Hill Bombing

Leslie and I now work a block from each other, which is really great, really. Carpooling is good for the environment, right? The couple that commutes together transmutes together, or cahoots together, or something like that. So it’s all good until it’s not...